Morgan, Brown & Joy Partner Nicholas DiGiovanni to Serve as a Panelist at the LERA Annual Meeting

Morgan, Brown & Joy partner Nicholas DiGiovanni will present on the Labor and Employment Relations Association’s (LERA) Annual Meeting panel, “State of Labor Relations in Higher Education,” June 27, 2024, in New York City. DiGiovanni, along with fellow speakers, will explore the intersection of practice and research in the current state of labor relations in higher education focusing primarily on the United States, and with comparative perspectives brought in from Canada and Europe. The panel serves as the annual meeting of the LERA Industry Council on Higher Education. To learn more, visit here

DiGiovanni brings over five decades of experience to his diverse clientele and has handled cases and issues in virtually all aspects of labor and employment law. Over the course of his illustrious career, DiGiovanni developed a particular niche in labor and employment matters affecting colleges and universities, focusing especially on collective bargaining with faculty, staff and graduate student unions, proceedings before state and federal labor board agencies, arbitration cases, advice on union organizing, and management training. As a result, he is one of the foremost authorities on higher education labor relations in the country and represents many institutions of higher education around the Northeastern region of the country.

LERA is the singular organization in the country where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Founded in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA), the National LERA provides a unique forum where the views of representatives of labor, management, government, academics, advocates, and neutrals are welcome.

About Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP

For over 100 years, Morgan, Brown & Joy has been among the largest management-side labor and employment law firms in New England, representing a wide range of Fortune 100 corporations, educational and health care institutions and small businesses across all sectors of the economy. The firm’s attorneys are known for anticipating and finding solutions to the ever-expanding range of employment-related legal issues in order to avoid the time and cost of litigation. When litigation becomes necessary, the firm aggressively defends its clients and has a proven record of success.