Complimentary Webinar Series on November 2: “Wage and Hour: A Discussion of Wage and Hour Trends and Topics, Including the Potential Future of Pay Transparency”

Join Us for a Complimentary Webinar Series:

MBJ’s popular Lunch with Lawyers webinar continues

Thursday, November 2, 2023 

Noon – 1:00pm ET

Wage and Hour:

A Discussion of Wage and Hour Trends and Topics,

Including the Potential Future of Pay Transparency

Join us for a discussion on recent trends in Massachusetts wage and hour practice and what is on the horizon, including the potential of a new pay transparency law.

MBJ speakers: Sean P. O’Connor and Shane R. Goodrich

Please use the RSVP link to register for the November 2nd webinar. The webinar link will be emailed to registrants prior to the session. *The webinar link will be sent to the email address you include in the “Send RSVP confirmation to” field.


  • November 15, 2023: Performance Management: Best Practices for Mitigating Legal Risk One Review at a Time

About the Webinar Series 

Each lunchtime webinar will focus on a specific topic to give you a more robust understanding about how it could impact your business. The sessions will include real-life scenarios that pertain to the topic at hand, with on-the-spot problem-solving offered by an MBJ expert. The lunch hour will conclude with a brief Q&A period during which MBJ lawyers will be available to answer your question on the topic.



Stacy Duffy